Tuesday, January 31, 2012



"Lovingkindness and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth springs from the earth, And righteousness looks down from heaven (Psalm 85:10-11 NASB)."

Definition: the true or actural state of a matter; the state or character of being true; acturality or actual existence, conformity with fact or reality (Dictionary.com).

Truth seekers and speakers want to know the story so they can be better, do better and help others by sharing the truth. Fact seekers do not necessarily care about the big picture or others, however, and run a high risk of getting lost in the details. Any devotion to information alone is "wearying to the body"; wisdom should be used to wisely encourage and prod from deceit and every true word should attempt to hit the target and put pieces together, "like a well-driven nail", not to bring confusion or allegiance to the speaker - only one Shepherd gives the Word and is the Word, Jesus, we merely pass it along and represent Him (Ecclesiastes 12:9-13). The main purpose in life is fearing God by connecting our reality to His righteousness in Jesus Christ and keeping His commandments by being led by the Spirit in faithful trust.

Prayers: We pray our child surpasses mere fact seeking and moves into truth for a proper view on self, the world, creation and You.

We pray that any interest our child has in knowledge and facts will be balanced and viewed as a tool, not a destination.

We pray, as a family, we will be real and truthful connecting to Your righteousness in Christ. We receive Your strength to accomplish our lives as ambassadors for You and Your kingdom advancement.
Thank You for Your help and blessings.

Monday, January 30, 2012



“It is a trustworthy statement: For if we died with Him, we will also live with Him; If we endure, we will also reign with Him; If we deny Him, He also will deny us; If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself (1 Timothy 2:11-13 NASB).

Definition: Strict or thorough in the performance of duty; true to one's word, promises, vows, etc.; steady in allegiance or affection; loyal; constant; reliable, trusted.
Staying committed, trustable and reliable are at the heart of faithfulness. Closely connected to what makes one faithful is why to be faithful. God is constant and all existence depends on His unchanging reliability; we do our best when we allow His nature to access and infiltrate to become the greatest showing of our character and representation of Him. Whether we succeed in faithfulness or not He will always remain faithful, because it is Who He IS.

We will do our best to reveal and mirror Your great unwavering faithfulness, but we pray our child will connect to You regardless of our solidity in faith.

We pray the connection our child has with You infiltrates deep and shows out, so every part of the mind that originates behavior and perceives activity and truth will reflect Your thoughts and Your ways.

Saturday, January 28, 2012



"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man is he who listens to counsel (Proverbs 12:15)."

He whose ear listens to the life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise (Proverbs 15:31)."

Definition: Teachable - Capable of being instructed, as a person; docile; capable of being taught.
Teach - to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in; or ...skill to; give instruction to.  

Those who are teachable learn the truth from the past, from problems and from situations; from God's word and from others when given counsel, encouragement or reproof no matter how offensive, obvious or humiliating the content. After all David thought, "faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy" (Proverbs 27:6 NASB). Those of us who remain teachable and responsive to the truth will one day know it all, just as we are fully known (1 Corinthians 13:12); while those of us who are know-it-alls and dismiss teaching may one day be left in the dark. Let us pay closer attention to what we oppose and not be automatically contrary. The information should be more important to us than the delivery - after all we don't dismiss the delivery of a treasured gift just because the box has a few dents, marks or rough edges. Sure, maybe we do open the box to make sure everything is okay (or true) when it comes in such a package, but we care for the gift (information/truth) and we happily receive it. It is far too easy to become deceived, ensnared, illusioned or in denial about shortcomings, bad aims or blind spots in our lives. May we all stay teachable to the end.

Prayers: We pray our child always stays teachable to the truth. Please help us to model being teachable and how to uncover truth even when it is wrapped in damaged packaging.

We know being teachable isn't treating truth like it is up in the air all the time and it isn't having a constantly swayable or open mind to potential deception or error, but being teachable is constantly submitting to Your authoritative curriculum and voice in life by studying, listening and apprehending.
We submit to Your voice Lord. We lay low and choose to disregard any fears or doubts we have pertaining to Your static embodiment of objective Truth and Life. We don't know everything, but You do: For now we know in part, but one day we will fully know, just as we now are fully known by You. Thank You Lord for Your processes and for all of Your help and blessings with raising our child.

Thursday, January 26, 2012



“Such confidence we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God (2 Corinthians 3:4-5 NASB),..”

Definition: a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself; self-respect (Dictionary.com).

Self-esteem is the way we see ourselves, feel about ourselves and the strength of inner fortitude that helps us believe we can be, when we want to be. Our value comes from God. Nothing in the world can add to it or take away from it. When we belong to God this worth is realized and completed. If we agree with the world or do not agree with heaven, we are lost and unreceiving of our God given worth. This leads us to interpret our value and esteem through other things like: our success or failure, our strength or weakness, our capability or limitation and the positive or negative opinion of others.

Prayers: We pray our baby knows personal identity and capability through connecting to You; and that Your given value would never be questioned or petitioned elsewhere. We pray instead that our child will be secure in knowing You and being fully known by You.
We surrender our child to You and Your will Lord; only You hold the words of life necessary to convince and convict our child an appropriate self-esteem. Have Your Way in our family! Thank You for Your help and blessings.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012



"A man's pride will bring him low, but a humble spirit will obtain honor (Proverbs 29:23 NASB)."

Definition: Honest, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions; high respect, as for worth, merit, or rank; high public esteem; fame; glory (Dictionary.com)

Whether by gift, duty or command, whenever we honor, we respect others with humility. We give a notable weight to who they are, where they are and what they say. Honoring does not always mean agreeing with, and should not require giving in to manipulation, but is merely a focused deference without a reciprocal need. When we honor in the fear of the Lord, we recognize others in His image and plan despite the common inconsistencies and imperfections most of us have. When we humbly honor God's design in others we also honor Him.

Prayers: We pray our child will discover You in all of Your creation and be fearless and fervent in honoring You greatly. Please help our child also become an expert at discovering, mining out and encouraging, the divine treasure in others through honor humility and love.

We pray that honor and respect will remain the language our child speaks and if our child is ever to speak a word in judgement, may it only be from truth and not opinion and may it also only be through love with great discretion and humility.

The sinful nature is what we are "born into", but not what we are "created for" or born again into. When our child is born again as a new creation in Jesus Christ we pray the "created for" overtakes the "born into" and true covenant with You is established so every occasion of honoring given or received will eventually mean something eternal in our child's life. We give You this care and receive Your help in wisely navigating a journey that may include us, but is not our own. Thank You Lord for Your help and blessings.

Monday, January 23, 2012



“…and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel,.. (Ephesians 6:19 NASB).”

Definition: Boldness - Not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring; not hesitating to break the rules of propriety; forward; beyond the usual limits of conventional thought or action.
Effrontery - Shameless or impudent boldness; barefaced audacity (Dictionary.com).

Being bold is to be one with rational caution or polite consideration and is not easily intimidated; being one who bends, but rarely breaks the rules. We should walk in boldness with faith not presumption and effrontery. Bold faith stands for something that is not easily seen or proven and stands firm against challenging beliefs, even at the risk of shame, rejection or general labeling. Presumptuous effrontery tends to assumes a belief and challenges anyone to prove the opposite of what is being assumed usually offering little to no solid proof or intellect beyond stubborn belief. We should not be stubborn or blindly support something in adherence to popularity or tradition, or in escape of something we fear or dislike. Effrontery usually offers quick criticism and ad hominem* attacks to anyone lacking in the same ideals, beliefs, traditions or trends. When we are bold with our beliefs or opinions let it be so only when we can defend our stance with patience, conviction, truth, reason or proof.

Prayers: We pray our child will find the needed path to boldness and let go of fear. May the boldness show with humility and patience so many can benefit and our child can stay teachable.

We greatly desire our child to embrace common sense and move into greater intelligence and understanding of You and Your ways in Heaven and on Earth. May no effrontery rise up, but if it does please help us discipline it specifically so our child will be refined in boldness and never shut down.
Thank You for Your help and many blessings, we surrender our child to You and Your perfect will.

Sunday, January 22, 2012



"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you He will not fail you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:16 NASB)."

Definition: The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery (Dictionary.com).

Keeping courageous is tough. And, not everyone who is tough is courageous. It takes courage to do the needed thing or the right thing in the midst of opposition or a struggle. The quality of mind and spirit necessary to prevail comes from believing in the promise of unyielding support, victory and companionship of God. God's grace is not defined in what He is able to do, but in what He is able to help us do. We must always remember where our help comes from and that we are the ones doing the work - God's work, done through man.
Prayer: We pray our child steps up in Your divinely granted identity: the created for self, not the born into self. We know You are able to help us and we can do all things through You with Your strength, so please strengthen our child to move with You and remain in You. Thank You for Your help and blessings.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012



“And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’ Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong (2 Corinth. 12:9-10 NASB).”
Definition: The quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor; mental power, force or vigor, moral power, firmness, or courage; power by reason of influence, authority, resources, numbers etc (Dictionary.com).

Strength: muscularly, mentally and morally is the foundational source and force by which we think, we do and refuse to do - our personal inventory of capacities, capabilities and spirit. We pull from this inventory whenever faced with decisions, confusion, tasks or trauma. The possibility of being better and becoming more corresponds directly with our strength, unless God graciously fills the gap, then our weakness has the power to show His strength and move us forward in humility. When we are weak He is strong.

Prayers: We surrender our child to You Lord and Your perfect will. Please help our baby grow strong in all areas and have the fullest inventory of strength.
We also pray that when the inventory is lacking that our child will wait on You to renew strength with confidence and humility.  Thank You Lord for Your help and blessings.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Deduction and Logic

Deduction and Logic

“Now when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the people assembled about Aaron and said to him, ‘Come, make us a god who will go before us; as for this Moses, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him (Exodus 32:1 NASB)."

"And the one also who had received the one talent came up and said, 'Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you scattered no seed. And I was afraid, and went away and hid your talent in the ground. See, you have what is yours’ (Matthew 25:24-25 NASB).”

Definition: Deduction: To derive as a conclusion from something known or assumed; infer; to trace the derivation of; trace the course of. A process of reasoning in which a conclusion follows necessarily from the premises presented, so that the conclusion cannot be false if the premises are true.
Logic: The science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference; a particular method of reasoning or argumentation; the system or principles of reasoning applicable to any branchof knowledge or study; reason or sound judgement, as in utterances or actions (Dictionary.com).

Truth helps us draw the right conclusions and think clearly, but fear muddles our thoughts and draws us toward falsehood and an unrighteous way. Logic leads our thinking and deduction. Without logic we can only follow, regurgitate and release our conclusions into the hands of others. With logic we enter into truth or fear depending on the information and statistics we adhere to. It is easy to allow fear and pride to make us abandon truth, even making us go our own way and build for ourselves broken avenues of revelation; this is why knowing God and His promises and character is so important to our thinking. We must think and train our thoughts to the true, honorable, right, pure and lovely; whatever is of good repute, excellent and praise worthy.
Prayers: We pray our child gets a clear picture of You, Your ways and Your promises. We pray that in seeing what everyone sees, our child stays positive like Joshua and Caleb after spying on the promised land (Numbers 13:30-31) - ready to face any giant in trust that Your Spirit will be there as a consistent comfort and guide. 
May it be that our child never sees failure and insurmountable odds in any situation You orchestrate, but always sees success and great potential through You as possible and even imminent.
Help us model such character and please help us to train our child to think on the best things. Thank You for Your help and blessings.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Problem Solving

Problem Solving

"However, so that we do not offend them, go to the sea and throw in a hook, and take the first fish that comes up; and when you open its mouth, you will find a shekel. Take that and give it to them for you and Me (Matthew 17:27 NASB)."

Problem Solving: The thought processes involved in solving a problem;
Problem: any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, difficulty; a question proposed  for solution or discussion.
Solve: To find the answer or explanantion for; clear up; explain; to work out the answer to or solution to (Dictionary.com).

Jesus used miracles to solve problems, He did so many miracles in fact that John says all the books could not contain the whole record of His miraculous work and ministry (John 21:25). Most of our real problems still need a miracle and Jesus is still able to help. For everything else we use prioritization, probability, measurable impact and available resource to solve. However, most things in life that appear problematic usually take a perspective shift to solve instead of any intervening act. Changing our minds, which is the heart of repentance, and casting our cares on God through prayer and petitioning keeps us centered. A God centered vantage moves us from glory to glory and saves us from tossing about from problem to problem.
Prayers: Thank You Lord for solving our problems of sin, death and the grave.
We pray our child receives You and Your righteous and miraculous solves. May Your ways rub off on our whole family. We want to be part of the solution now and not the problem; please help us model well a life connected to Your solutions through Your Spirit. Thank You for Your help and blessings.

Saturday, January 14, 2012



"The beginning of wisdom is: Acquire wisdom; and with all your acquiring, get understanding. Prize her, and she will exalt you; she will honor you if you embrace her (Proverbs 4:7-8 NASB)."

Definition: Mental process of a person who comprehends; comprehension; personal interpretation; intellectual faculties; intelligence; mind.

Understanding should accompany every part of wisdom we acquire from the beginning and furthur as we continue to be filled and develop. Understanding establishes what is being built by wisdom and gives place for knowledge to flow in and dwell within. When we understand, we are looked upon with honor and favor. We must tarry to grasp the truth even when it is mixed with human distortion or opinion; this patient offering can also bring us favor and give us less opportunity for opposing flesh and blood. We should mainly listen to people to understand them and receive any truth they have to share; we should not mainly listen for mistakes or untruths to oppose people - we will surely be rewarded with less favor if we do.

Prayers: We pray our child learns patience to tarry with people, not interrupting, not pre-judging, not eager to jump on mistakes, but longsuffering to obtain understanding and establish favor and honor in building relationships by wisdom.

We pray our minds will shift from surface gathering and sloppy assessing to a deeper awareness and attentiveness. We want to model this winsome character as ambassadors for Jesus; You deserve the best representation we can muster.

We give You every care and concern about mistakes people make in comprehension and action, please help us instruct our child to do the same.
Thank You for Your help and blessings. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012



”She (Wisdom) is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, and happy are all who hold her fast. The LORD by wisdom founded the earth, by understanding He established the heavens, by His knowledge the deeps were broken up And the skies drip with dew.(Proverbs 3:18-20 NASB parenthases added).”

Definition: Wise - having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right; possessing discernment, judgment, or discretion.
Wisdom - The quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight.

Wise people are a safe house for students: always discerning what is true and right and acquainting them to the same; then helping them know what to do with what they learn while encouraging the deepest grasp of it until each becomes established in understanding. "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise (Proverbs 11:30 NIV)." "The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit (Proverbs 15:4 NIV)."  Wisdom is prudent, but not reclusive, because the wisdom we take hold of and hold fast to is meant for a purpose outside ourselves. To be filled with life and share it with others.

Prayers: We pray our child becomes filled with wisdom, to discern what is true and right and takes hold of her with humility.

We pray our child connects to others in wisdom to bring healing, righteousness and life.

Please help us model wisdom so our house will always be a safe environment for our child to grow up.
Thank You for Your help and blessings.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012



 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding (Proverbs 9:10 NASB)."

Definition: Acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation (Dictionary.com).

Acquainting ourselves with facts, truths or principles makes us a visiting guest in the house built by wisdom and established by understanding, where we are able to share in the precious and pleasant riches accumulated, refined and displayed by someone or something else (Proverbs 24:3-4). The goal is to not just be acquainted with knowledge, but to become the established house that knowledge is able to fill. 

Prayers: We pray our child embraces every treasure of knowledge in life; may everything presented that is true remain and every false hood leave.
We pray our child moves into the clearest and most solid grasp of truth, beyond the mere show of knowledge. Please help us teach our child to not be flashy with knowledge.
Thank You for Your help and blessings.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Study and Learning

Study and Learning

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15 NASB).”

Definition: Study - Application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection (Dictionary.com).
Learning - Knowledge acquired by systematic study in any field of scholarly application; the act or process of acquiring knowledge or skill; the modification of behavior through practice, training, or experience.

Peer into life and take what you see, search it out, let it build, believe. On foundations you lay all you’ve studied and heard, then let God piece together and out what you’ve learned. If you take along the way all the millions of happens and not right away to the strongest foundations, any building through Time’s test will waiver to stand and be as the housing erected on sand. See the world, hear the word, receive it down deep then let it flow with conviction from your head to your feet. Move out, be steady; His anointing though heavy has marked you approved, positioned and ready. Take courage, be bold, be never ashamed; be equally careful with each word you proclaim. Hold fast the faith not the habits of youth and move in God's timing with love and with truth. Precisely you're fitted, you're  strengthened to stand as living stone and heart of flesh under Christ a new man. Though victory stay wrapped it surprises you now with a: future calling, lifted burden and light yoke to help plow. Look then to the Author of life that you see, search Him out, let Him build, always believe. To Alpha, Omega, to the Ancient of Days, to your Father and Savior give the highest of praise.
Prayers: We pray the thoughts harnessed and released by our child will be characteristic of You - that each interest, introspect, intellect, interpretation and intuition all be built on Your Word; revealed by Your Word and ultimately reflect Your Word.

We bless our child to learn well, to follow Your paths of life, to discover Your Word of Truth and to handle it all accurately.

May we all be workman unashamed and unreserved for Your approval alone.
Thank You for Your help and blessings.

Friday, January 6, 2012



“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known (1 Corinthians 13:12 NASB).”

Definition: The act of revealing or disclosing; disclosure; something revealed or disclosed, especially of something not before realized; God's disclosure of Himself and His will to His creatures; an instance of such communication or disclosure; something thus communicated or disclosed; something that contains such disclosure, as the Bible (Dictionary.com).

For something to be revealed it means it was first concealed or hidden. Some revelation we seek and find or find out, some we ask for and receive or gain understanding about and some revelation is bigger, requiring commitment and authorization by connecting to God's Spirit. We petition or knock and we are given access or are allowed to enter in and join in the revelation with those allowed to join before. Revelation progresses and we progress with it: We pursue, we receive, we join, we commit and we declare. If we halt the progression; if we take a few things we have learned or received and stop short of entering into full revelation then we can easily set up against God that which we know. We should never compete with the knowledge of God. Our hearts and minds are to be set on Him, and His revelation needs to flow. If it is allowed to set, like concrete, in stubborn belief or tradition it will one day need to be broken up and moved. God may even let remain our strong held beliefs that set lofty against Him, and even turn us over to our set ways and profane minds to direct us instead of Him. Our commitment is not to revelation, but to the revealer, and His commitment is not merely returned to us, but to the world. We must take what we receive and move as one body in revelatory declaration and reconciliation - always bringing life through the Holy Spirit and not letting revelation retention become our life or become the power behind our own societal elevation.

Prayers: We pray our child seeks and joins You in Your way of revelation with the fullest expression and capacity of it humanly possible. Thank You for showing us the Way and trusting us with offering it to the world. Let it be that our child joins Your body fitly and strongly while receiving from others and releasing to others the truly given parts of Your revelation.

Please help our child to be aware of the limits of our earthly vision, but also the reality of reconciliation You brought to Earth through Jesus where we regain access to Your presence.

We are grateful that You make it impossible to have fullness without You. Thank You for inspiring us to be filled with Your presence and Your revelation. Please help guide our child in pursuit of You Lord, and may Your revealing light that pursuit so our child never stays in the dark.
Thank You for Your help and blessings.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012



“I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and I find knowledge and discretion (Proverbs 8:12 NASB).”

Definition: Prude: A person who is excessively proper or modest in speech, conduct, dress, etc. 
Prudent: Wise or judicious in practical affairs; keen practical sense; discreet or circumspect; sober; careful in providing for the future; provident.

Prudence is best known for its modesty: knowing when not to say or do something - being modestly revealing and respectfully proper. "Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; When he closes his lips, he is considered prudent (Proverbs 17:28 NASB)." Doing nothing tends to get us into trouble less than doing something, this is why one of the biggest arguments kids make before they get disciplined is "But I didn't do anything!" However everyone must eventually exist outside of the reserved cacoon of ignorance ("How was I supposed to know..."), lazyness ("Don't blame me, I wasn't doing anything"), self protection ("Why do I always get blamed for...") blame ("They did it, I was just standing here") and fear ("I can't do that it's too hard"). Though being reserved may occasionally be prudent, prudence is not reserved; those who are prudent are purposefully doing something great when they do less or do nothing at all - they are practically providing for there future and the future of their families by removing the weight of regret and bad reputation (two things that make it hard to move on). No wonder wisdom wants to dwell with prudence, because it has a light, bright future, one that is able to locate and see the knowledge (what, why and how) and have the strength to execute it discreetly (where, when and with who).

Prayers: Please move our whole family into Your timing Lord. We make our time available to You, because we desire to live and exist in Your timing. Please help us model boldness with modesty and purpose based on Your understanding of modesty and Your purpose.

We pray our child has a keen understanding of what not to do and why to make way for an unhindered future of knowing what to do discreetly.
Thank You for Your help and blessings.  

Tuesday, January 3, 2012



“Discretion will guard you, Understanding will watch over you, to deliver you from the way of evil (Proverbs 2:11-12a NASB),..”

Definition: Discreet: Judicious in one's conduct or speech, especially with regard to respecting privacy or maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature (Dictionary.com).

Discretion is played out visibly when someone knows the best time to say or do something, but more importantly is how discretion plays itself out invisibly in the mind - which is ultimately where all of our actions stem from. If we are committed to considering others higher than ourselves we will not be able to do certain indiscreet things without feeling it in our conscience. In regard to discretion considering others higher means being more aware of what we do and say and how it may affect others instead of only being aware of how our behavior and speech affects us or how it individually makes us feel. Closing a door without noticing someone coming in behind, walking in the middle of people taking pictures, or inversely, taking pictures in a crowded area that blocks a walk way where people have to stop and wait, talking loud on a cell phone in a public place, sharing second hand information or something private about people that will do nothing but make fun or make a negative impression of them, or saying profane or off colored things, especially around women and children. Being unaware is probably the most common reason people are indiscreet, but some do it to vent anger or pride, some do it out of habit from lack of discipline, some do it for hateful or prejudiced reasons and others have become so selfish and numb to the feelings and affects of others that they don't care and do whatever they feel like usually touting some justifying statement like "It's a free country", "What's the big deal anyway" or "Why should I have to stop". God desires us to be at peace with others and at peace with Him through Jesus - that is why it should stop, why it is a big deal and why many things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial. His peace allows us to rest in Him and to find rest in ourselves. Being in God’s rest helps us slow down and let go: to slow down when we are in a hurry to do and share, which puts us at risk of being unaware, and to let go of every selfish, unneeded, unnecessary or ill-timed activity.

Prayers: We pray our child will learn to be discreet first in the mind through diligent and consistent awareness and second through respectful behavior. Please help our child enter Your rest and peace by reconciliation through Jesus, then through inheritance as a co-heir with Christ and have understanding.

Please help us direct our child toward proper activities and keep anything improper from becoming activated or from being made into a habit.
Thank You for Your help and blessings. 

Monday, January 2, 2012



“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened (Matthew 7:7-8 NASB).”

Definition: To go in search or quest of; to try to find or discover by searching or questioning.
When we are seeking we wish to know the truth for a reason; this goes beyond simply wanting to know an answer. Seeking is an inquiring and searching state that gets answers and obtains something current, past or future and connects to the information or substance that opens the door to truth. If what we gain from our search is not the truth, we must continue seeking.
Prayers: We pray our child will not quit searching until true substance is obtained. We pray any worship, high praise or metaphorical altar building will be for You and in Your name, not for the quest, the method of discovering, or for self.  
We pray in the midst of this seeking that Your will and its mysteries will be revealed to our child.
Please help us present the positive and exciting side of the journey to our child more than the difficulty and labor involved on the path between the start of knowing and the end of apprehending the true substance: full understanding of truth, full promise, full vison or complete rest. Life is not a drag. Please help us to be joyful always with our journey. We look to You for what we don't have and we give to You what we do have. You are the Author and Perfector and though we may be surprised or confused by twists and turns in life, You never are.
Thank You for Your help and continual blessings. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012



“You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures (James 4:2b-3 NASB).”

Definition: A sentence in an interrogative form, addressed to someone in order to get information in reply; a problem for discussion or under discussion; a matter for investigation.
The art of asking questions that get sufficient answers seems to be in decline and self-centeredness seems to be on the rise. This problem is revealed in the many who ask questions to merely know information or gain some selfish thing instead of gaining understanding and wisdom to help others. Rising defense mechanisms, pride and peer pressure have almost eliminated people from asking or knowing how to ask questions. In our information age some assume an alpha position with whatever knowledge is gained and some assume an entitlement position to take and spend whatever is given on selfish pleasures. A wise man and a responsible giver is much different and understandably treated different than a know-it-all or a mooch, though some see the former as unjust offenders and the latter as deserving victims. Knowledge is more for stewardship and application than mastery and position. Those who believe they fully understand something are less likely to be teachable. God is the master and we fully need Him to reveal His ways and Himself to us regardless of what we know. God holds the power to give abundantly and miraculously without limits, so if we are used to being selfish manipulators, we may try to manipulate Him most of all. The entitlement mentality, among other things, believes those who have should give to those who don't, even against their will, because they have more than they need, it is only fair. Setting aside the multiple problems with this mentality lets address one, if we have this mentality what is to stop us from believing: since God has unlimited supply and He doesn't need it, it is only fair that He gives us whatever we want. God's identity is to be independant and the source of all Life, our identity is to be dependant on Him for our life personally and the source and head of our connection corporately. We need to seek the right answers, if we do not get what we need we may need to evaluate our motives or ask the right question, or ask a different question, or a different person, or the same question in a different way to get the right answers. We should never stop asking or being willing to receive answers (knowledge), life applications (wisdom) and connection to the answer source and head (God and His presence).  
Prayers: Please help us feed the desire to know and inquire in our child and never shut it down. Help us to do the tough thing and teach our child how to ask questions in a way that is discreet and balanced and gets answers. Also we ask You to help our child care more for the people giving the answers than the answers themselves. 
We pray our child always chooses to receive and connect to You, the true Alpha and Omega and Your wisdom of the ages over the media and personal experiences.
We pray our child will stay inquisitive and curious and grow in the ability to gain answers through research, critical thinking, recollection and smartly aimed and articulated questioning and to not stop searching an important issue until life application and connection to You comes. Thank You for Your help and blessings.